
All coffees from Grupo Terruño Nayarita have been 100% traceable since 2006.
ALL of our coffees contain barcoded bag tags, sewn in at origin, furnished with QR Codes that are linked to our TrackYourCoffee website where you will find all microlot information, including but not limited to:
- Country of Origin
- Community of Origin
- Producing Organization
- Dry Mill
- Wet Mill(s)
- Type/Name of Coffee
- Any Certificates (including organic)
- Grading Aspect
- Cup Characteristics
- Blend Information (if applicable)

Full Traceability - how?
It begins at cherry reception. Each GTN farmer is required to report which parcella(s) they were harvesting when delivering ripe fruit to the wet mills and natural process drying patios. The cherries are evaluated and weighed by a trained GTN reception worker, not the farmer. The data collected is stored in our Fincalab cloud-based software, creating a transactional receipt for each farmer.
Daily lots are grouped by the producing cooperatives and after drying they are evaluated, cupped and graded, individually by CSM. These results are stored in Fincalab compounding the initial data collected at reception. From there patio lots can be selected for various characteristics (cup score, community, flavor profile, grade, etc) and milled for export. Every step along the way fully traceable with a receipt, digital and paper, to back it up.
Implementing process controls and procedures at each step of coffee’s journey from picking to export was a concerted effort to improve quality, consistency, and efficiency; traceability fell out of the data.
-- Traceability is the RESULT of Process Controls --