About Us

San Cristobal Coffee Importers
has been involved in coffee production since 1993 and was incorporated in 1996 to provide international market access for small holder coffee farmers in Nayarit, Mexico. The mission at San Cristobal Coffee Importers is to work from the bottom up promoting equity in the supply chain; helping producers earn enough so they are able to address the tough issues of environmental stewardship, gender equity, and ultimately sustainability.
We and the roasters we work with
are near the pinnacle of the supply chain and are in a good position to drastically improve the lives of farmers. We serve as a transparent conduit between roasters and growers so they may both develop and flourish.
Our strong relationships
with other origin brokers and exporters allow us to supply our customers with any coffee they need, when they need it; from one bag to multiple containers.
- Our US Team -
Jim Kosalos

James Kosalos, President of San Cristobal Coffee Importers and majority partner in Cafés Sustentables de México, is a geophysicist from Wisconsin who has been using his scientific background to help Mexican coffee producers. He was a long time member of the SCAA’s Technical Standards Committee where he was involved in the initial evaluation of Q® grading standards; he became a Q® Instructor and used this to bring international coffee grading standards to Nayarit’s coffee producers.
Fun Fact: James Kosalos built the sonar that was first used to search for the Titanic and also the one used to find the USS Central America.
Connect with JamesDevorah Zeitlin

Devorah Zeitlin, Vice-President of San Cristobal Coffee Importers, is a native of Brooklyn who received a degree in public health from Tulane University in Louisiana. Her Peace Corps assignment took her to Nepal where she worked with farmers under the auspices of the Nepali Department of Agriculture. She worked in Washington, DC, to help develop Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hazardous waste regulations before moving to Seattle in the early 1990s.
Fun Fact: Devorah Zeitlin sailed from Mexico on a two month trip to French Polynesia, stopping at the Marquesas and the Manihi Atoll her the way to Tahiti.
Connect with DevorahKenny Davis

Kenneth Davis, General Manager of San Cristobal Coffee Importers, is a native to the Pacific Northwest. His role at San Cristobal encompasses quality control, sales, logistics, and millenial translator. He worked for SC immediately after graduating from Oregon State University in 2012, but took leave from 2014 to 2017 to explore a career in Environmental Consulting. The coffee industry left it's mark and he rejoined the team at the start of 2018.
Fun Fact: Kenneth Davis spent one year living in a yurt. It snowed a lot that year.
Connect with KennethJacob Frankel

Jacob Frankel, Junior Trader at San Cristobal Coffee Importers, is a native of California. He studied International Relations and Political Science at Carleton College and has spent considerable time in Latin America. He researched quinoa production in the Andes Mountains in Peru. And before joining us in Seattle, he spent a year at the origin in Nayarit, Mexico, working with our coffee quality management partner Cafés Sustentables de México.
Fun Fact: Jacob’s hobbies include “aquascaping,” or decorating heavily planted freshwater aquariums.
Connect with Jacob